Podcast: The Battle of British Elegance: Rover 827 Sterling vs. Jaguar XJ6 2.9 Road Test ChatGPT Style

My recent blog post titled "The Battle of British Elegance: Rover 827 Sterling vs. Jaguar XJ6 2.9 Road Test ChatGPT Style" is now available to listen to as a podcast on my Spotify channel and on all other podcasting channels where it is available. You can also listen to it below. I hope you enjoy … Continue reading Podcast: The Battle of British Elegance: Rover 827 Sterling vs. Jaguar XJ6 2.9 Road Test ChatGPT Style

Podcast: Gloucestershire Requirements

My recent blog post titled "Gloucestershire Requirements" is now available as a podcast on my Spotify channel and all other channels where it is available. You can also listen to it below. I hope you enjoy it. https://open.spotify.com/episode/3PzGOF7lyDWfgHYEdU3Byc