Reminder: Why I am Voting Liberal Democrat At The Next Elections

What The Hell? I can hear you all shouting this rather loudly right now!

Court Guinness, one of “Thatcher’s children” and proudly so and a long time card-carrying and fully paid up member of the Conservative Party intending to vote Liberal Democrat!

No, I am not using illegal drugs.

So what is going on?

I actually cancelled my Conservative Party membership a few years ago.

Well, let’s start at a Global level. Brexit was the biggest dog’s breakfast going. It was bad for business and bad for life. The racist element of the Leave lobby got their way.

Now lets get national. The Tory Party Leadership, May, Johnson and Sunak. May was the best of the lot, but Johnson and Sunak are terrible at Leadership and I have long been campaigning for Larry The Cat to take over as prime minister. Indeed I did actually vote Labour at the last general election because although Jeremy Corbyn was totally unelectable as a leader of the United Kingdom, it was marginal as to who was worse between him and Boris Johnson. Johnson and Covid-19 was an even bigger dogs breakfast than Brexit and his sod you all attitude when he was having parties inside number 10 and the rest of were not to socialise was as horrid as the crimes of Wayne Couzens and Lucy Letby.

Then we can move locally. As a proud ex Londoner, I am not pleased by many things the Labour Mayor Sadiq Khan has done. Moving toward my new home of Warwickshire I have Matt Western as my MP. He has not been very helpful to be fair. I look at other Labour MP’s and I think he lets the side down. Here in Warwickshire, we have an elected conservative PCC (Police and Crime Commissioner) called Phillip Seccombe. My issues with Warwickshire Police are detailed on this website. You can use the search bar to find out more, but the question remains as to why he has not dispensed with the services of the current Chief Constable Deborah Tedds, who is clearly ineffective and has no gumption or ability as a leader. This also begs the question as to why he has not taken any other action available to him given the state of policing in Warwickshire. Staying locally we have a number of labour councillors and some conservative, some effective, most ineffective. District and County Councils are not up to much either and clearly need a refresh, especially after an incident involving special needs provision recently. District and County councils are in desperate need of senior executive level and staff level shake ups as well, but that is another story for another day.

So, we have come to impasse. So what can I do? Vote for the Green Party? Nope, I love a V12 petrol engine too much! The Reform Party? Are you on drugs? The Monster Raving Loony would actually be my preference but my vote needs to make some meaningful impact so the Liberal Democrats it is.

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